Monday, September 21, 2009

The Decision

I have a Credential of Ministry, a Bachelor's, a Master's, even a Doctorate, and yet, I still find myself working at a low level retail job hell.

I think it's time for a drastic life altering mind blowing decision to change all of this, which will likely involve radical restructuring of life and landscape.

Meena would approve.

There is still part of me holding back though, the reticent careful part, who hasn't quite been quashed, smashed, or ripped limb from bloody limb. Stubborn headstrong resilient bastard.

I had a quiz tonight, and for one of the questions, what is...I forget...something like diaphractic analysis or somesuch, my answer? "32 points in Scrabble." I sure hope my teacher has a sense of humour.

I want to go fishing.

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