Thursday, September 17, 2009

Random Musings

I'm in the middle of trying to organize my box o' notebooks, still. So you get these little random snippets of thoughts, musings and other mental miasma.

Have you ever wondered if the French fuck like they Fence? Lunge! Parry! Riposte!

I'm pretty sure I could write a thesis on how the Lord of the Rings is thinly disguised gay literature.

"We're all damaged goods, which, using the bell curve, makes us all equal."

In 1875, the Director of the American Patent Office resigned, saying, "What's the use of going on, there's nothing left to invent."

"Man is the only animal that maltreats the females of his kind." - Jack London


The Muffin Man.

Hamartia, that's the actual word for what is commonly known as the tragic flaw.

a politician is an arse upon
which everyone has set except a man
ee cummings

"You might as well stand and fight, because if you run you'll just die tired."

"An idea is a greater monument than a cathedral."

Philogyny. Oh yeah.

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